Wayyyyy back in September of 2017 when REspace was brand new we were looking for projects to take on and received a referral from Deanna at Peek Interiors. She had a client in Tower Grove South who was embarking on their first multi-family to single family home rehab (flip) project and needed an architect. We were more than happy to help. We quickly arranged a meeting and got to work. The scope was varied, challenging and as we now know, typical of many old homes in and around Saint Louis.

The first order of business was surveying the house in its current condition and documenting what remained. Extensive demolition had been done as had temporary repairs over time to maintain the structures integrity. When our understanding of what remained was complete, we began the task of determining the viability of the requested design. From code compliance to ergonomics the plan was tweaked and then optimized.

From the approved design we then created the working drawings. Highly detailed construction documents the contractors would use to bid, the city would use to issue the permit and the selected contractor would use to construct the design. It took several weeks to complete the myriad of details and calculations required.
When everything was ready, quality control review completed, we walked the sealed plans into the city (no E-Submittal, c’mon St. Louis!) and after a few hours had the permit approval in hand.

In the meantime, the Client had been busy changing over from self-peforming the work to securing the services of a General Contractor. The contractor pulled the permit and shortly thereafter the project went quiet. As we at REspace had no construction phase services included in our scope, we heard very little about the project for a time. As it turns out the Client had several problems with construction, firing and hiring multiple General Contractors until finally completing the project late last year.

We are very happy for all involved as the project has a happy ending having sold after a very short time on the market. Congrats to Silver Lining Properties and we look forward to future successful collaborations.