…And You Won’t Believe What Happened Next!
Watch that fourth year! It was a doozy. As of May 2nd REspace has been in business for four years, and this year the whole REspace family celebrated with Tacos and Baseball! After grabbing lunch at Mission Taco we headed downtown to watch the Cardinals play the Reds from the Cardinals Nation Rooftop at Ball Park Village. The food was good, the sun was hot, especially after the rain delay, and the Cardinals lost despite a rally late in the game that even Fredbird stopped to watch. For obvious reasons, our 3rd anniversary was more of an acknowledgment, so it felt good to celebrate our anniversary again.
We recently wrapped up our work on the private residence in Shrewsbury, Missouri, and issued drawings of another private residence for preliminary bids in Nauvoo, Illinois. We’re currently working on a new carriage house in Sunset Hills, MO, and new decks in Columbia, Rock Hill, and Wildwood, MO. We’re looking at a few new private residences as well. Two of which will be accessible, and the other is in rural Montgomery County, IL, and will have a rustic feel. The Nauvoo residence is an insulated concrete form, net-zero home that we’re very excited about and hope to see construction begin this year. I know I’ve mentioned this before, but as I said we’re pretty excited about it.
Eric and I couldn’t do it without the support from our families, our consultants, and our clients.
Here’s to an even better year 5!